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Frequently asked questions

It’s a social network based on mutual support, sharing knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills, common values, ethics, the advantages of being part of the community, good tips, free advice on therapeutic tools, online videos, e-learning and live training courses, for people certified as master practitioners in hypnosis and NLP, university students, teachers, enthusiasts of the world of psychology, philosophy and neuroscience, and young adults.

The aim is to create a community of mutual aid and knowledge-sharing between members, enabling them to learn about and train in therapeutic tools, online videos, e-learing and live training courses, as well as sharing their own experience and expertise.

You can join the community by registering on the social network’s website or mobile application.

You can use the social network’s search tools to find people with the same interests as you, or you can browse the various groups and forums to find discussion topics that interest you.

You can share your knowledge by publishing articles, videos, presentations, or by participating in discussion forums.

Yes, as a member of the community, you can enjoy many benefits, such as access to online and live training, free videos, tips and tricks on therapeutic tools, and the chance to meet others with similar interests and experiences.

The social network may offer a free and a paid version with additional features. Details will be displayed on the social network’s website or mobile application.

The social network is not intended for commercial transactions. However, members can share information about products or services they find useful and relevant to the community.

You can protect your privacy by using the social network’s privacy settings to control who can see your profile and posts. You can also be vigilant about the personal information you share on the social network.

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And join us on our campuses for our Free Exchange Workshops, every first Monday of the month!

Rejoignez la communauté Psynapse